Bridging the gap of over two thousand years of history to bring to the English speaking world the meaning and message of the original languages of the Scriptures – God’s Holy Word!
January 31, 2025
Our entry level Greek language course is now available.March 9, 2025
This man could not help himself. He was totally controlled by demons, thousands of them. So violent and so strong was it that the other human beings could not control him either. He was in torment - totally controlled and he had no free will of His own. This is why Jesus confronted such situations. It is all of Jesus, not of human effort. He wanted people to see what He could do and who He was in situations where people had no control. He places us in circumstances that are totally beyond our authority and control, mainly to show us that He is in control.
Demons, by the way, cannot possess a believer because the Holy Spirit lives inside of a believer and possesses a believer. But Satan can harass us and hassle us from the outside in circumstances, mental pressure, emotional pressure, physical pressure, and circumstantial pressure. But from the inside we have Christ. All of this is to pressure the human side of life, not the spirit side of life.
March 14, 2025
In my flesh is no good thing. The sin principle himself dwells in my flesh and my flesh will always serve sin, always. So, what keeps us in the things of Christ? He does. That is why He, in His Spirit, comes and lives inside my spirit. Because my flesh wants to take me away; to take me out into the world; to lead me into sin. My flesh wants to destroy me through sin. So God’s Spirit is there in order to stop me from doing the things that I would want to do in my flesh. To keep me from being carried away by my flesh. And that is what makes me a Christian. The only One who can produce spiritual help is the Spirit of God.
February 5, 2022
"The Lord never taught His disciples to produce their own faith or spiritual perception and understanding. Instead, He continually put the disciples in circumstances that revealed their inability to function spiritually. The Lord taught His disciples to depend on Him during the three years He physically walked with them. Mercifully preparing their hearts to receive the truth of the Word of God when the time came."
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By studying the Bible in its original language, we hope to inspire and encourage all believers to continue deepening their understanding of God’s Word while growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We believe the Word of God is not a commodity; it is a free gift available to anyone and everyone who wants to receive it.