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The Lord breathed His life into me. He calls upon me to breathe the life that He gave me back to Him, in praise to Him.  That is what I have been created for.

Now stop and think about all the distractions that are thrown our way, how absorbed we are in this earthly life and all of its circumstances, even ourselves. If God created us to worship Him, and give praise to Him all of the days of our lives, you can imagine how there are times when we do not feel like doing that. That is the effects of sin. That is how this earthly life has bogged us down. We are not here for those purposes, we are here to give praise to the Lord. We are here to worship Him because He is the Creator, because He has decreed all things, all things are under His control. He has done great things and He himself has multiple greatness.

And so it says in verse 6, Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord!

Hallelu to Yah. All of life was created to give Hallelu to God, to give praise to His name. And that is what the Psalter (which is what the psalms are called) has been created for. Not only to study the expression of the various psalmists and their circumstances. But to now understand that when we read some of the Psalms and they talk about their hard times and their difficult times the reason why they are praying to God is that their difficult times are keeping them from praising the Lord. That is what bothers them. 

Do you ever stop and think about that? Why do we pray? Why do we ask God to help us? Is it so that we can be set free, and at ease and tranquil, and be more comfortable? Or is it because our circumstances have us so distracted that we cannot give the praise and worship the Lord that is due to His name? See, that is something totally different.