II Thessalonians Chapter 2

  • II Thessalonians 2:1-5 ~ The Correction Concerning the Day of the Lord Part 1

    God has taken men and said, "You men are going to be gifts to the body of Christ. Your whole life is given to Christ and this one purpose." They used to be a slave to sin, but now they are enslaved to Christ. It is for the mending of the saints. So they can arrive at being able to serve so the body of Christ can effectively develop itself.  Satan’s trick is to come along with those who have not matured. And through craftiness in a very genius system with very persuasive words take young immature Christians and toss them to and fro with every wind of doctrine.  And by the trickery of men with persuasive words they are pulled away. They get into some of these other doctrines that is not only against the Scriptures, but is totally in the flesh like the Christians in Corinth were.
  • II Thessalonians 2:1-5 ~ The Correction Concerning the Day of the Lord Part 2

    So he says, "This is not the judgment day but your persecutions or afflictions are part of belonging to Christ and they are evidences that you worthy of the kingdom of God." Interesting, suffering hardships is equivalent to being worthy of the kingdom of God. We are in a day and age where people are trying to share from the Scriptures that we need to get rid of all of our physical human afflictions and circumstances in order to make it easier. "God does not want us to suffer through these things." Paul says suffering through these things is what makes us worthy of the kingdom of God because they are Christ's sufferings, not ours.
  • II Thessalonians 2:6-8 ~ The Correct Understanding Concerning the Day of the Lord Part 1

    We are going to learn a couple things about the sovereignty of God. The Bible teaches that God's Spirit governs everything and everybody, whether they are believers or non-believers. The Bible also teaches that God controls Satan.
  • II Thessalonians 2:9-12 ~ The Correct Understanding Concerning the Day of the Lord Part 2

    The message is we need to find our comfort in Christ. Everything is happening under His control and we need to trust Him. He is in control of everything. He gives people according to the desires of their heart. Even a false version of Christianity chasing after signs, and wonders, and miracles, if that is what they want.
  • II Thessalonians 2:13-17 ~ The Plan of God Part 2

    Let me clarify that in case it is a little confusing. The Bible does not say that God takes unsaved people and chooses them to be saved. And the other people He chooses to be lost and chooses them to reject Christ. That is false. For those people who hear, and believe, and receive Christ - those who are sealed by the Holy Spirit of God - to those people God has benefits and an inheritance.