I Thessalonians Chapter 3

  • I Thessalonians 3:1-5 ~ Introduction to the Testimony of Timothy

    And to encourage you this is all concerning the faith. Not the flesh, but the faith. There is a theme that is found throughout the first three chapters all having to do with afflictions, and standing, or being moved. Paul said back in I Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15 that we are persecuted just like you are being persecuted. The word persecution means to chase, to run after. Satan tries to get us to move mentally, emotionally and physically away from our position in Christ. His whole mode of operation is first to study us, determine what can he get us to occupy the mind with? And then chase us to get us to run. Shaken. Moved. Paul says the remedy is to stand. Do not let yourself be chased. Put your trust in the Lord and stand.
  • I Thessalonians 3:6-13 ~ The Testimony of Timothy

    The word translated good here is not human good, but spiritual. You have a good remembrance of us spiritually speaking. This shows the importance of a good relationship between the instrument being used by God to minister the word and those who are being ministered to. See that the bond of fellowship has not been broken. How did we conduct ourselves amongst you? We worked night and day and did not do anything to offend you. We were there for your sakes and you remember that. You remember how we sacrificed. You remember how we did not offend you. It is always the object of Satan, that if he cannot attack the message and show something wrong with the message he will attack the messenger.