"Today I want to introduce to you one of the great teachings of scripture. When we go heaven, when we go to be with Christ, we will be all the same in spirit. We will be in spirit form, so we are all the same. But, we will be different. The difference will be our development, our understanding, and our function. Christians don’t realize that the Bible teaches that whatever development and growth that we have experienced, that is who we are going to be throughout eternity."
The world is under the judgment of God. It is a sentence. Hard to tell today when you go outside and it is such a nice day that God is furious but that is His long suffering. Out of His love and long suffering He is holding this fury back. Knowing that one day it will be unleashed upon the earth, what kind of people ought we to be?
We always have the victory in Christ, always. Paul said that God delivered him from out of every situation of trouble he faced. So what does it mean to have the victory? It is not measured by the flesh. It is measured by the spirit. God makes it possible for us to be at peace, knowing that He is in charge. He makes it possible for us to be satisfied. And He makes it possible for us to have hope. We expect the Lord to return; or to go be with Him if we die before He returns. God gives us this ability to just let go.