II Thessalonians 3:16 Part 2 ~ The Condition of Peace

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When anything comes along that grabs the attention of your mind and gets you anxious and worried, give it to the Lord. And guess what? You will experience the peace of God. I am always in Christ therefore I am always at peace with God. That makes the peace of God available to me. I do not always experience the peace of God though I am always at peace with Him. For me to experience the peace of God I am to be satisfied with the Lord; handle the world with moderation; and everything that comes my way that draws me into anxiety and worry, I am to give it to the Lord in prayer with thanksgiving so that I can be at peace. Not so that my flesh can be at peace. Not so that my conditions can be at peace. The situation might never go away. But the point is we can experience the peace of God because Christ is our peace. He is the Prince of peace and the Lord of peace.