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We all go through the wilderness.

We like to take the things of Egypt with us because we like to let go a little bit at a time. But if we are totally committed to the Lord, we are in the wilderness right away. We are just in the desert. No more friends, no more city life, no more nothing. We are just walking with the Lord. That is all we have is the Lord. We have the shirt on our backs, the sandals that will not wear out, a tent, and hot desert. This is freedom? You got to be kidding!

But the Lord is teaching us to walk with Him. To go by His word and nothing else. Period. For what? So we can cross the river Jordan. So we can face the giants of the land, and slay the giants of the land, and be used of God for His work and for His purposes. But not until we are ready. And we are not ready until we go through the wilderness with the Lord. It is called Christian maturity, growing into Christian maturity.